Steam VR

SteamVR is part of the Steam application and is not a video player itself. It is an app that allows you to use different players inside of it. If you're using an HTC Vive then this is your starting point.

Start SteamVR

  • Make sure you have Steam open
  • Open SteamVR - there is a button in the top right of Steam to start up SteamVR. This will open a small box that displays the status of your HMD and controllers, and will also prompt you to log in to VivePort.
  • Once SteamVR is running, you should be able to see the SteamVR Home in VR.
  • Open your player of choice.
    • You can use Whirligig for downloaded movies

View Streaming Videos

If you have desktop view, we recommend using the web player. There are other player options out there, but we don't strictly recommend them as they are owned by third parties and we cannot guarantee reliability across updates. 

View Downloaded Videos

  • Playing downloaded videos can be done with Whirligig


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