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If you forgot your password or didn't receive your login information, please use the following steps to successfully reset your password:
Password Reset - WankzVR
If you forgot or didn't receive your login information, please use the following steps to successfully reset your password:
- Open your web browser and go to and click the "Members" link or go straight to the login at
- Click the "Forgot Password?" link
- Enter your username and the security code displayed and click "Reset Password"
- Security Code - this will display a 4 digit security code for you to enter.
- This will send an email to the email address associated with your account from
- If you do not receive the email it may be one of three problems:
- The email went to your spam folder
- The email was deleted before reaching your spam folder
- The email address associated with your account is different than you think, or may have been entered wrong when you became a member.
- You must click the link in the email in order to reset your password.
- Set a new password that you can remember. Try not to use the same password you use on every site. Enter your new password, enter it again to confirm it and click "Save" to complete the change.
- Passwords must be greater than 6 characters in length
- It must have at least 2 different types of characters. (ie: letters and numbers)
- It can have numbers, letters, and special characters (#$%)