Crypto Payments

We have a new payment option for crypto currencies that expands the number of currencies accepted to 18 of the top coins. Please read all 5 steps below carefully.

1. On the join page, select your subscription type and set your payment type to 'Bitcoin/Altcoins'


2. You will be taken to a secure online registration page. Select one of the 18 coins offered and enter your email address, preferred username, and password. For the purposes of less user error at signup, your password will be displayed in plain text and the page will not cache the information until you complete your transaction by clicking the button near the bottom of the page.  


3. Once you click 'complete transaction' on the previous page, you will be taken to - our crypto biller. You will need to send the amount shown on the screen to the wallet address. Make sure you send enough to cover the fees so that the amount received on our end is the right amount. 

If you don't send enough, you can simply add some more to the wallet until the amount is met: it's a unique address for your transaction. 

Please note that the page refreshes every 10 seconds as it checks for the payment to be sent, and it updates the coin value as money is deposited into the wallet.  


4. The payment success page takes about 10-30 seconds to complete, but this is just for the payment - not the account setup.


Confirmation of payment on our end and your account setup takes anywhere from 10-45 minutes. The payment success page will show your membership details, but your membership will not be active yet. Please send us a ticket if you have waited an hour and still have not received a welcome email from us. 



You will not be able to login until you receive your email from us confirming the creation of your account. 

5. Once the system posts your payment your membership will be active and you will receive your welcome email. Head over to the site you signed up with and click the 'members' button near the top of the page to login. 


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